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CS Games 2018 @ ULAVAL

CS Games 2018 @ ULAVAL

21 November 2017


What happened? 

We are penguins from outer space, and our ship has crashed on your planet. The Council of CS Games kindly gave us your information so we could contact you.


Pls help!

Your role

We noticed that near the place we crashed are many places of worship (or as you call them, “Universities”) where many people from different tribes gather around. Therefore, we ask one (1) tribe per institution to send a delegation (at most 10 participants + 1 guru/shaman/sage/godparent/whatever) to come help us. If too few tribes register, it will be possible for the institutions to send two (2) tribes instead of one.

The event

The event will take place from March 23rd to 26th in Quebec City. During this time you can help us repair our ship and help in our research of different aspects of this strange planet we have crashed on. The best contributors will be awarded the CS Cup.


Ideally, after all this hard work, we will be able to take off again and return back to our planet.